Dear family and friends,
I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter Sunday as we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
My first week with Elder Allen was great! He does an outstanding job of teaching people in a simple way that we know they know what was taught. He's also really good at asking inspired questions. I like him a lot. We're going to get a lot of work done around here.
On Monday evening one of our bikes got stolen, but we knew the boy, and were able to get it back the next evening without any problems. Sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning, BOTH of our bikes were stolen! They were even locked together. Elder Allen and I couldn't believe it. We still have no idea where they are or who took them. There are currently three of our bikes out and about the area. We're keeping our eyes out! Since then we've been given more bikes and have taken extra security measures to ensure they stay safe. That is just a common problem from living at the church building: people are always around. I hope whoever has them is enjoying three really nice bikes.
On Good Friday we had a ward party. It was super fun, and the turnout was fantastic. Originally the Elder's Quorum were in charge of cooking for everyone, but that wasn't going well, so the Relief Society took over. A lot of members brought non-member friends or family. I think in total we had 10 potential investigators come. Ward parties are a great way to bring people to the Church in a friendly atmosphere. Elder Allen and I had a great time.
Easter Sunday was honestly a bit of a let down. I guess I expected it to be more religious and remembered than it was. It's hardly celebrated here in Ghana. Here they really honor Good Friday and the death of Jesus Christ. Hardly any emphasis goes into His Resurrection, which is the central message of hope.
I love studying from our Bible Dictionary from time to time. Here's a few sentences under "Resurrection" that I loved and would like to share: "One of the most fundamental doctrines taught by the Twelve was that Jesus was risen from the tomb, with His glorified, resurrected body, as in Acts 1:21–22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33. To obtain a resurrection with a celestial, exalted body is the center point of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is the most glorious of all messages to mankind."
I know that Jesus Christ is alive, and looks down upon us with love and concern. I've seen His hand extended to me throughout my mission. He lives.
Have a great week!
Love Elder Nissinen
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