Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dear family and friends, 

Calling home is always an interesting experience. At least in Ghana, a missionary can expect just about everything to go sideways on him. Credit disappears, internet goes spotty, and reliable phones/tablets/laptops aren't the most common, to just name a few obstacles. Our original plans for Skyping fell through, so Elder Allen and I quickly searched alternative options. We went to a member's place and after a while were able to get secured internet connection for Elder Allen to Skype. I was able to Skype on a phone for a few minutes, but had to switch to a phone call for the rest. 

It's funny: before I call, I'm not really anxious to talk. But after we start talking and joking, I want to talk! It was really nice to hear from all of you yesterday. Thank you for your love and support. The good news is that next time we talk it'll be in person! No internet or credit problems to stop us then, ha ha. 
These are the twin teenage girls I was telling you about.
The sell packets of water (in the blazing heat) all day to earn money for school.  

Our week was great. Rhoda, our baptismal candidate, had her birthday last Saturday. We tricked her Friday that we would be too busy to come over and visit her on her birthday, and that we would just wish her a Happy Birthday at church. She was super upset about that. We bought her a birthday cake and surprised her Saturday evening. That definitely made her day. Most people don't do or get anything on their birthday here. Rhoda hadn't even been sung to all day. It felt really good doing that for her, even if it was small.

Anyways, that's about it for us! We're working really hard with finding and fellowshipping less-actives in the Ward, rather than go 'tracting'. Slowly but surely they'll come around. We just need to gain their trust and love first. 
That picture is fufu with crab, cow meat and intestines,
and some type of fish.

Again, it was so nice to hear from all of you! Have a super fantastic week! 

Love, Elder Nissinen

That picture of the room I'm in close to the ocean... we teach there! It's within a rock throws distance to the ocean. 
Super cool teaching spot. 

I loved the chance I had to mow some lawn.  I miss it!

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