Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hi family!!
Just letting you know I made it here safe and sound. And what a day!! I'm super tired, and my mind is blown again. EVERYONE speaks Portuguese here! Talk about full immersion. I haven't unpacked yet, but I'm headed to my room right after this.
But I'm super excited to be here. These next two weeks are gonna be focused completely on language skills. Instead of having two teachers a day like the regular 6-weekers, we have three. We're encouraged to speak the language all the time and to eat with the natives in the cafeteria. All of my teachers so far are natives, and their English is limited.
The food so far is pretty good too. Guess what we had for lunch? That's right: beans and rice! On Wednesdays we get pizza, but it's totally different than American pizza. No tomato sauce. I ate a slice with cheesy sauce and corn! Not too bad actually.
Anyways, it was great talking with everyone yesterday. It's crazy to think I'm actually here now! My P-days are on Fridays, but my first won't be till next week, just like it was in Provo.
I don't have a lot of time, but I may be able to chat for a minute.
Love you all so much,
Elder Nissinen

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