It's been another great week in Sunnyside. I love seeing people getting excited about Christmas, especially the kids. In fact a nights ago, we were eating with a member from the ward and they had lots of presents under the tree. The dad told them if they opened it or of he saw a small tear in the wrapping he was going to open it right in front of them and take it back to the store. That night it reminded me of the many memories growing up and the excitement us kids had for Christmas. Heck, I'm still excited. Here are some of the highlights this past week.
Cold night of sleeping |
So a little over a week ago, just after the Branch Christmas Dinner, Elder Bradshaw had to grab something from the car. He then slammed the car door, but had left his finger inside. After going back inside, it was all swollen and slightly purple. We called the mission nurse then I had him put it in some ice. I thought it was just an ordinary smashed finger, but his pain increased. Over the next few days the purple on his finger began to grow. So last Wednesday we called the doctor who actually is a member, to check it out. After a few minutes of looking at his finger they decide to take a small needle and try to relieve the pressure from the nail. That method didn't work so they sent us to the hospital to get an X-ray, because it looked slightly broken. The next day we got the results back, and luckily there is nothing broken. I want him to schedule another appointment next week, but he says it will be healed by then. Haha. Little does he know the bruising will last a few months. We will see how he does this coming week.
We have been eating with the ward this week for dinner, which is the best. The food, the people, and the English. Haha. One night after we finished eating the parents daughter rushed through the door as a surprise. She had just gotten home for Christmas break, but she came home a day earlier than the parents thought. She came in with another guy, who just recently got home from his mission in Chile. We briefly met each other, and I tied him I was from Hillsboro Oregon. Come to find out, he is roommates with Ian McGregor at school and they served missions together. Then he started listing off a bunch of names of all the guys from Hillsboro. It was pretty crazy.
This Sunday was our Branches Christmas special. We combined our Branch with the branch from Toppenish. Elder Bradshaw and I had been inviting as many people as we could to come, especially when we could say it was only an hour long. Many people in the past say they would, but never end up coming. So this week we tried pretty hard to get some one to come. About 5 minutes before the sacrament started we got a text saying that one of our investigators was outside. We quickly found him and brought him in to sit next to us. We followed up with him later and he said he enjoyed it. During the sacrament meeting all the missionaries sang Peace in Christ, and our elders quorum sang a song. I don't know how well it sounded, but my guess would be not very good. Hah.
Also this past week we had District Council. We talked about all the changes that will be happening starting this January. Most of you have probable already heard the news, but it is official that we will be having dinners from 4-5, and not at members homes. They can drop off meals, but other than that, it will mostly be in our apartment. As far as Saturday and Sundays, we can eat with members at whatever time is best for them but first asking if 4:00 could work too. This dinner seems really early for most families, which will be a problem we can run into. They are really wanting to focus on Finding and Teaching between the hours of 5-7:30, where people will usually be home. They are also wanting missionaries to be in the homes of members from 7:30-9. At this time we can have mini-lessons with the members. I'm not completely sure how I feel about it, because there are both positives and negatives about these changes, but I will learn how to cook things that are good. hah.
Well Christmas day is just down to the hours away and I'm so excited to see you all, that will be the best gift. I am thinking of calling in the afternoon, probably around 2 or 3pm. Not 100% sure, so keep you phones close by. I will be using google hangouts from my LDS account, as far as I know. I will be calling Dads phone on google hangouts. I would love to have Rosie join in as well, so we will have to communicate with each other.
ALSO BE AWARE, I will be calling mom and dad tonight, Christmas eve, for a minute chat to tell them the plans for calling the next day. That will happen around 9pm. I'm not totally sure why, but hey it will be cool. I mean email would be a sufficient alternative, but don't go to sleep too early, and it will only be a minute or two call.
Love you all.
Elder Nissinen